Datetime published: 24.07.2015

Prosthesis is a solution in later age when teeth that are missing cannot be solved in any other way.

The first thing that comes to your mind when hearing prosthesis is grandparents.

Today fewer grandparents have prosthesis thanks to other interventions and technologies (that have a goal to maintain the real teeth as long as possible).

As the technology of prosthesis making was developing, they became more comfortable to wear and functionality and nice looks was gained as well.

Types of Prosthesis

Prosthesis is mobile. It means it can be removed and its cleaning requires a special attention.

We distinguish total and partial prosthesis regarding how many teeth are missing.

Partial prosthesis is used in situations when a patient is missing a few teeth.

Total prosthesis is made when patient has no teeth at all.

Does prosthesis move?

Today there is no fear of ‘prosthesis fall out’, no matter how many commercials to that subject have you seen.

Partial prosthesis is joined with the tooth and there is no possibility of falling out or moving even.

In cases of no teeth at all, alternative for total prosthesis are implants.

Prosthesis are being tide on implants in order to get stability.

And yes, those prosthesis, named ‘All on 4, won’t fall out ☺

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